Welcome to Jenni & Mark.com

Blog of the Babies

December 16th - Hi Everyone! Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat…Well, we have new pictures of the babies in their Christmas outfits. Mara Jade Phelan (new cousin) is on the website. She is so little and already beautiful. Also, Ellen and Mike have been home with their bundles of joy and doing great! What a great Christmas for babies! I also am starting back to work soon VERY part-time doing home studies for other couples who want to adopt. I am very excited about that. Mark’s sister came to visit and she is very good with the babies – even though she said she wouldn’t be. Giuliana and Matthew love looking at our little Christmas tree lit up. They are doing more “talking” and starting to reach more for things. They try to hold their bottles, but it doesn’t work yet. Their eyes are getting darker (no more blue eyes). Giuliana is 14lbs and Matthew is 13lbs. They need their drool bibs on all day. Matthew keeps chewing on his tongue like an old man with his dentures out. Merry Christmas!

Nov. 28th – Hello again. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and didn’t eat any animals. We had fun at my sister’s house. There are some great new pictures to share with you. We are renovating our kitchen and we are very excited. We are more excited that Ellen is about to have her baby boys any day now. Send your prayers to lil Kenny (my mom’s husband) and his family as his mom is very sick and in the hospital. Shoot me an email and let me know how you are doing.

November 7th- Hello everyone – Happy Election Day! The babies have finally doubled their birth weight. Giuliana is almost 12lbs and Matthew is almost 11lbs. They are doing really well. Matthew eats more than Giuliana and I think he will start to catch up and get bigger than her. They are both smiling a lot and focusing on toys and people more. Still staring at the ceiling all the time. Whatever is up there is very interesting. We have gotten out of the house more and I have even taken a couple trips out with just me and the babies, but not really since I have only gone places I know there will be people to help us. Oh well. enjoy the new pictures. Check out the shoes!

October 24 – Hello again. Things are still going well here. The babies are getting big. Next doctor’s appointment is November 3rd. Their Halloween costumes are fairy costumes. If anyone wants a copy of the fairy picture or any of the pictures on the web site just let me know. I will print it and send it (not a problem at all)! They will be 2 months old on Thursday. Time flies when you are having fun. Mark made it back from Bridge Day in one piece and will post the video as soon as he can.

Marks post. My 4th Bridgeday and it was the best on yet. Woke up Saturday morning to freezing cold and fog. Thinking it was going to be a horrible day. The sun came out burned it all off and was about 60 degrees and perfect. I will have to say it was my tuffest one as well. I really missed the kids. It was great to get home and pick them both up!!! Jenni kept sending me pics on my cell phone which was great. Also on my bridgeday badge my picture I took myself with them on my lap. So they were with me for all my jumps. There are some pics up as well and video to come.

October 18 – Hi Everyone! Matthew is off his monitor. No more wires hanging out his pants in the pictures. Mark is off to Bridge Day again this year in Fayetteville, WV. So there should be a fun video of that to watch next week. The babies are doing great. Check out the new pictures.

October 10 – Went to the pediatrician today. The babies are very healthy. Giuliana now weighs 9lbs4oz and Matthew catching up with a weight of 8lbs5oz. The nurse said he is only a half inch shorter than her, but since he is always in a little tiny ball you would never guess that. It was a nice cool morning (for those of you up north that means it didn't’t go over 80), so we all wore jeans. Oh and Monday we had to go to St. Joseph’s for a sonogram of Matthew’s head and he is fine. We even got to visit Ellen – Hi Ellen!!! So we have gone out twice this week with both babies. Matthew will be on his monitor for another week or so. All is well here. Send me an email and let me know how you are doing!

October 5th – We are 5 weeks old today. Today is Nonna’s birthday, so Happy Birthday to Liz. There are 2 new videos up in the photo album. They love the sheep Pam and that is in the video – so make sure you watch it. Also, on days they are awake long enough I stick them in the playpen and let them look at each other. I call it twin time. So, catch Twin Time 2 Electric Bugaloo – it is going to be a Sundance favorite this year. The red marks on their little noses and forehead are fading and their cheeks are getting bigger. I think I should call Guinness because poor little Matthew pooped 3 x in a row today and stunk up the entire house and then went to sleep. I think his daddy and Uncle Jack will be proud to hear that. Have a nice day!


December 16th - Hi Everyone! Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat…Well, we have new pictures of the babies in their Christmas outfits. Mara Jade Phelan (new cousin) is on the website. She is so little and already beautiful. Also, Ellen and Mike have been home with their bundles of joy and doing great! What a great Christmas for babies! I also am starting back to work soon VERY part-time doing home studies for other couples who want to adopt. I am very excited about that. Mark’s sister came to visit and she is very good with the babies – even though she said she wouldn’t be. Giuliana and Matthew love looking at our little Christmas tree lit up. They are doing more “talking” and starting to reach more for things. They try to hold their bottles, but it doesn’t work yet. Their eyes are getting darker (no more blue eyes). Giuliana is 14lbs and Matthew is 13lbs. They need their drool bibs on all day. Matthew keeps chewing on his tongue like an old man with his dentures out. Merry Christmas!

Nov. 28th – Hello again. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and didn’t eat any animals. We had fun at my sister’s house. There are some great new pictures to share with you. We are renovating our kitchen and we are very excited. We are more excited that Ellen is about to have her baby boys any day now. Send your prayers to lil Kenny (my mom’s husband) and his family as his mom is very sick and in the hospital. Shoot me an email and let me know how you are doing.

November 7th- Hello everyone – Happy Election Day! The babies have finally doubled their birth weight. Giuliana is almost 12lbs and Matthew is almost 11lbs. They are doing really well. Matthew eats more than Giuliana and I think he will start to catch up and get bigger than her. They are both smiling a lot and focusing on toys and people more. Still staring at the ceiling all the time. Whatever is up there is very interesting. We have gotten out of the house more and I have even taken a couple trips out with just me and the babies, but not really since I have only gone places I know there will be people to help us. Oh well. enjoy the new pictures. Check out the shoes!

October 24 – Hello again. Things are still going well here. The babies are getting big. Next doctor’s appointment is November 3rd. Their Halloween costumes are fairy costumes. If anyone wants a copy of the fairy picture or any of the pictures on the web site just let me know. I will print it and send it (not a problem at all)! They will be 2 months old on Thursday. Time flies when you are having fun. Mark made it back from Bridge Day in one piece and will post the video as soon as he can.

Marks post. My 4th Bridgeday and it was the best on yet. Woke up Saturday morning to freezing cold and fog. Thinking it was going to be a horrible day. The sun came out burned it all off and was about 60 degrees and perfect. I will have to say it was my tuffest one as well. I really missed the kids. It was great to get home and pick them both up!!! Jenni kept sending me pics on my cell phone which was great. Also on my bridgeday badge my picture I took myself with them on my lap. So they were with me for all my jumps. There are some pics up as well and video to come.

October 18 – Hi Everyone! Matthew is off his monitor. No more wires hanging out his pants in the pictures. Mark is off to Bridge Day again this year in Fayetteville, WV. So there should be a fun video of that to watch next week. The babies are doing great. Check out the new pictures.

October 10 – Went to the pediatrician today. The babies are very healthy. Giuliana now weighs 9lbs4oz and Matthew catching up with a weight of 8lbs5oz. The nurse said he is only a half inch shorter than her, but since he is always in a little tiny ball you would never guess that. It was a nice cool morning (for those of you up north that means it didn't’t go over 80), so we all wore jeans. Oh and Monday we had to go to St. Joseph’s for a sonogram of Matthew’s head and he is fine. We even got to visit Ellen – Hi Ellen!!! So we have gone out twice this week with both babies. Matthew will be on his monitor for another week or so. All is well here. Send me an email and let me know how you are doing!

October 5th – We are 5 weeks old today. Today is Nonna’s birthday, so Happy Birthday to Liz. There are 2 new videos up in the photo album. They love the sheep Pam and that is in the video – so make sure you watch it. Also, on days they are awake long enough I stick them in the playpen and let them look at each other. I call it twin time. So, catch Twin Time 2 Electric Bugaloo – it is going to be a Sundance favorite this year. The red marks on their little noses and forehead are fading and their cheeks are getting bigger. I think I should call Guinness because poor little Matthew pooped 3 x in a row today and stunk up the entire house and then went to sleep. I think his daddy and Uncle Jack will be proud to hear that. Have a nice day!

September 28th– Hello everyone! The babies are now one month old. They are getting bigger and can fit in 0-3 month clothes now. No more preemie or newborn sizes. Matthew is gaining weight, but not as fast as Giuliana. She loves to eat and has the chunky cheeks to prove it. Cobe is doing well. He is leaving the babies alone, but will lick a dangling baby foot when we tell him it’s ok. He was scared of them at first and would run around the house trying to get away from them. He is getting over that. When you come visit you have to pet Cobes before you pick up the babies. There are some new pictures of them in little matching gowns that say Thank Heaven for Little Girls and Thank Heaven for Little Boys. Nonna is back from Europe and ready to help with babies. Mark’s parents have come to visit and brought more gifts from all the Ohio people. Thanks you guys! (Mark’s favorite present is the autographed Ann Coulter book – he will read it to the babies every night to make sure they are good little patriots.)

September 24th - Everyone knows I (Jenni) hate football, but what the heck was that made up taunting call. Just another way for the refs to make calls against the Bucs. Well, the twins are doing great. The old blog was moved to the 'about' page in case anyone didn't read it yet. Let me answer some frequently asked questions. First of all, of course we are tired! Second of all, NO - 3 week old babies do not sleep through the night and we don't want them to, because we want them to eat and get BIG! The first post adoption visit was done (2 more to go) and we should get a court date to finalize the adoption in December. I just want to thank everyone that has called, visited, sent presents, brought food!! We feel the love and we are grateful. It is really helping make the transition to parenthood much easier. We feel really blessed by all of you! I do have trouble getting the phone when I am here alone, but I can answer emails at weird times and stop and start them in between rocking a baby or changing a diaper. So, that is probably the quickest way to get in touch with me. Try the phone and if I can get it I will. We put a new video up of Matthew. He is a stinky boy and has gas, so we tried this ball thing. He loved it, but no gas came out. Parenthood is all about poop and gas talk. So that is good news!




September 8th Matthew comes home!!!! We cannot be any happier than to have both our beautiful babies home. Matthew is doing great we have him on an apnea monitor for a little while and he gets a script of caffeine every morning. So when I get up and suck down my morning coffee so does Matthew. I plan on having some Buccaneer football action with my boy and girl on sunday. Giuliana of course is eating like crazy. I am finally able to exhale a bit. For you hippie people out there Matthew loses his snuffelufugus on Monday. Poor fella had not had an easy road now gets the big clip!!!
September 6th Well both babies are doing awesome she is eating and pooping like crazy!!! He is no longer in the incubator or IV's just on a monitor. Looks like he will be coming home tomorrow or Friday. We are very excited to have him home hanging with big sis. He will be on an apnea monitor for a week or so just to keep and eye on him but Dr Patel thinks he is going to be just fine. We love these little boogers just sit and look at them! Almost as scary as skydiving and BASE jumping.
September 4th
Giuliana is doing great had her first night home and did great. She is very quiet and not fussy yet! Matthew is doing good as well. They have him off of all oxygen and taking out his IV today. They are thinking he will be home in a day or two. Me and Liz (Nona) got to hold him today for a few hours. This is only the third time we have been able to hold him so that was great. He is very content and happy little boy. Cannot wait till the little feller comes home.
September 3rd
The adoption is final. Matthew is doing better they have him off of the oxygen and he is starting to take feedings they have him on a feeding tube and are going to try and bottle feed him later this evening. His breathing is better and they think he is going to be just fine. He is not quite as developed as his sister so he has to play some catch up. I got a snow board, and wake board ordered for him and when Rob and Kathy get back we are going to get him sized for his first BASE rig. We love them both SOOOOOOO much its amazing.

September 2nd Giuliana is doing great and eating well. Matthew is having a bit more of a struggle. He is in the NICU for monitoring. They think he might have in infection that is causing him to have rapid breathing. He is a bit smaller than her and a little less developed so that may have something to do with it. The doctors think its just something that will pass as he gets bigger and stronger. Please pray for the little guy so he can leave the hospital with his sister. We are hoping to be able to leave monday. Its truly amazing how quick you can fall in love with your babies. We sign the final adoption papers tomorrow at 11:00 AM.

August 31 2006 8:55 PM our baby girl was born and 8:57 our boy was born. All are PERFECT and beautiful!! Baby girl 6lbs 2 oz little boy 5lbs 7 oz. They are pink and looking good. The little girl opened her eyes and looked at us and the little boy had bruises on his face from his sister kicking him.

We are almost to week 37 (Sunday is the first day of week 37). The babies are huge and the birth mother is now having trouble walking around. The little boy (a.k.a. lil Mookie) turned back head down. The little girl is so big she doesn't’t have much room to move. We were hoping the hurricane would come through as a cat 1 so the pressure would drop and induce labor. BUT we will just get some rain. Stay tuned for more baby news.

Week 35 – I was wrong she got bigger. The babies are doing great. The little boy turned and he is now in a breach position. The doctor can’t believe how smooth this pregnancy has gone. Twin pregnancies are usually much rougher with more trips to the hospital. So we have been very lucky. Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes. In a few more days she will be at week 36 and the babies will be fully developed.

Aug 14th Week 34. The birthmother is getting so big. Not sure where she will fit anymore baby. Baby Girl will be the first one out. She is 5.77lbs and practicing her breathing and doing well. Baby Boy is a little smaller at 4.97 lbs and not practicing his breathing yet. So, he needs more time in there to develop his lungs and start moving his diaphragm. The birthmother had contractions all day August 13th and was given shots at the hospital to stop them. The next doctor’s appointment is on Wednesday. One more week or so and these chickens should be cooked. August 20th sounds like a good date to me, but that’s just a guess and Danna’s birthday.

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